Love a good challenge, me. Eldest’s birthday earlier this year. “Can you make a Mojito sorbet?” Hmm… Let me see… Well, of course I can. That turned out well. Not going to post the recipe here, let’s see how your Google-Fu skills work out! It was simple, it was elegant, and it was damn gorgeous. Didn’t last long. And it led to the almost inevitable question “could you make a Mojito cheesecake?”
Well, here it is. A slice of it, anyway.
It’s using the basic recipe as laid down in pretty much all of the cheesecake blog posts on here. The latest full recipe with all the tweaks would be a good place to start.
For the base, it’s the new almost crumble/shortbread recipe with about 30g more butter to give it a softer texture. And a load of fresh mint and lime zest chopped in.
For the cheesecake mix itself, the usual cream cheese, sour cream, marscapone, caster sugar, 4 eggs with, again, lime zest and mint extract. I did add green food colouring to add to the mintiness presented to the eye but it’s not exactly stuck around during the cooking. Going to adjust that next time so the thing is properly shockingly green – or I might split the mix in two, make one so green the Hulk would be surprised at how green it is and then swirl the two together… Bake, cool, then spread lime curd over the top – sugar, eggs, lime zest and juice.
The final beastie, fresh out of the tin this morning…
So if you’re asked can you make a Mojito cheesecake, the answer is quite definitely yes you can.
But the next question is “what cocktail to try next?”
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