Truly random Wednesday
It’s been an unusual day. For a while my colleague and I have been cross-covering the other chunk of the UHI that’s here on Shetland. Today that arrangement comes to an end and next week we’re back to “normal”. Or at least what passes for normal up here on the rock, anyway. So today I’ve…
Joining up the Web
The internet is, without doubt, brilliant at many things. It’s great for wasting time, it’s superb for finding out about stuff you never knew you needed to know about. Anyone spending more than 5 minutes on Lifehacker will suddenly realise that half the morning’s gone and they now have half a dozen new projects to…
Timekeeping as a Parent
My friend, DJ and generally fun guy, Sandy, set me this challenge when I sent a request for inspiration out on Twitter this morning. Simple. Write about timekeeping as a parent. “Your timing, like your nappy, stinks.” Now. As any parent knows if you’ve got kids in nappies, the last thing you do before loading them…