Tag: Website management

  • MishAnt Design – Shameless self-promotion ahead

    We interrupt the regularly scheduled tales of children, chickens and guarden clearance to unveil MishAnt Design!

    If you need a website, have a website but want it managed, updating, refreshing, given a responsive design makeover, optimising for search engines or anything else vaguely webmastery, then MishAnt Design should be your first port of call.

    WordPress wrangling?  No problem.  In the past I’ve recovered corrupt databases, identified suspect plugins, re-themed and tweaked sites to users’ requirements.

    Drupal?  From simple sites for community groups through to complete sites mapping thousands of pieces of disparate data from across the Viking world, Drupal holds no fears for me.  Upgrading from earlier versions, no worries – my test servers can cope with just about any combination of plugins and themes.

    MishAnt Design.  For all your website needs.
