Tag: Best Posts

  • 2013 – Life on the blog

    Apparently I’m averaging 15 visitors a day to the blog at the moment. While that doesn’t sound like a lot when you think of how many people use the internet, I’m pretty happy with that. 15 of you out there think it’s worth spending some time reading what I’ve posted. Overall, this works out at between 5000 and 6000 hits. According to my Analytics dashboard, I’m picking up new readers at a decent rate, roughly 2/3 of all visitors to my blog are new ones!

    As for how people are finding my blog, there’s the obvious – search for “files and records”, the food…

    • turkey pork curry – 17
    • monkfish for kids – 8
    • minty chocolate fridge cake – 8

    the geeky…

    • chromedeck sheets – 9
    • gtd pdf templates – 13
    • the data retrieval service encountered an error during connection to the data source – 2 (but both useful!

    and the downright strange…

    • Is Tree-Fu Tom Satanic? – 12!!!!!
    • up helly aa smurf suit anderson high school – 1
    • beard wizard – 1

    Okay, so the words “Tree-Fu Tom” and “Satan” appear in the same paragraph, but that’s only because I was praising Tree-Fu Tom and Peppa Pig, and Andy Hamilton voices Mr Elephant in Peppa Pig. In case the connection’s not obvious, Andy Hamilton writes “Old Harry’s Game” and provides the voice for Old Harry himself. I’m not helping, am I? That’s now 2 pages on the blog that’ll provide hits for “Is Tree-Fu Tom Satanic?”.

    And as for the top posts of the year…

    A close 6th place comes What a difference a week makes!, the turning point in our recent move from Shetland to Lincolnshire.

    I’d like to thank each and every one of you who spends time reading my ramblings. If I could change one thing, it’d be getting a bit more feedback! Did my recipes help? Do you agree with what I’m saying? Disagree? My most commented-on post this year was this: Silent Sunday – 17th March 2013, and it’s a single photograph.

    Have a very happy new year, and see you in 2014!