
  • New Structure to the blog…

    Right. I have a new plan.  Plans are good.  They're better than the Pl I had earlier as it was only half-formed.  From now on, 3 updates a week:-

    • Monday – Application of the Week.  At heart, I'm a geek and I've got a lot of cool programs on my computer that other people should be using (and probably are) but I'm going to use Monday to tell you about the one I'm concentrating on learning more about that week.  It might be a piece of software, a javascript library, a content management system, anything!
    • Wednesday – Randomness.  Whatever happens to stroll through my mind at the time when I sit down.
    • Friday – Cook-along Fridays.  I do my best cooking on a Friday afternoon, usually a curry of some kind, so I'll blog the recipe I'm using and we can all have a go together.
    So that's the plan.  See y'all on Monday!

    Posted via email from Claytons in the Far, Far North

  • All told, not a bad week.

    Had a very strange experience this week:  A 2-mile run without any hills.  The most significant incline was the street up from the riverbank in Inverness to my hotel.  Of course, the lack of hills was compensated for by the howling wind and driving rain.  But still, it was flat!  Most unusual.  My body was prepared to meet the usual array of ridiculous terrain it's used to and, after the 2 miles was done, felt somewhat let down.  Turns out it likes running up hills!  Go figure.  Still, running now extended to 6 miles, so the preps for the half-marathon in June are progressing nicely.

    Not a lot of writing done this week.  Spent a good chunk of time away from the Rock in Inverness learning about the project I appear to be leading for work: the Carbon Management Project.  Apparently, the Project Sponsor (liaison to the Senior Partners and securer of corporate funding and backing) has shifted to the gentleman who was the lead, so the role of Project Lead has fallen to me.  That PRINCE2 training will come in handy after all!  Instead of writing urban fantasy, I'm now writing the Carbon Management Plan instead.  Some cynical types out there might say that the two are actually quite similar, but I'd have to disagree.  The CMP will contain far more graphs, bullet points and cross-references to tables in spreadsheets than the Magnificent Octopus will.  (That's not the title of the book, by the way, I'm just a huge Blackadder fan).

    So, I'm now Mister Carbon Reduction.  Never saw that one coming.  At last I've got justification for my "Stop Printing Out Every Damn Email" campaign!  I can legitimately shut down people's computers when I reckon they're not using them, enforce draconian power management schemes on their Desktops…  Next stop, world domination!  I knew the goatee would come in handy.  Wonder if still sell volcano lairs.  This is also an excuse for education.  I'm almost never happier than when I'm learning, be it which areas of SharePoint don't work the way they should (excuse for rant at Microsoft's incompetence here – if I've got 15 identical meetings, with the same agenda, why the hell shouldn't I be able to have the same people attending automatically?  That's done on purpose?  I've got to add them all manually to each meeting?  Well, I can see that being used real heavily now.  Muppets.) or about good practice in project management or IT service provision.  I like training courses that make me work.  Hell, if I'm going to be away from home I need something to do during the evenings.  There's only so many times I'm prepared to go to the cinema alone, only so much time I can eek out a dinner for one in a busy restaurant.  So I'm PRINCE2 certified, have my ITIL Foundation and Service Design certs and will, by the end of next month, have my ISEB Green IT cert.  And I'm being very green about going on the course – minimum flying, taking the train and bus, walking as well.

    Anyway, that's a crying baby to deal with.  I now return you to your regularly scheduled internet.  If there was a point to this post, I can't see it.  Hopefully do better next time.

    Posted via email from Claytons in the Far, Far North

  • The plot thickens (#amwriting)

    Right.  Several key things fell into place this weekend.

    For instance, I now know why my villain is doing what he's doing.  I know why my lead character can do what he can do (although he doesn't know as yet) and I resolved the problem I was having about giving him access to certain powers.  It's playing the long game but it is, in a way, all down to a scene from the BBC comedy "Episodes".  Matt LeBlanc (actor) is explaining to Stephen Mangan (writer) why he should make changes to a character and, as reasons go, it's a good one.  "When you're up at 4am trying to think of a storyline, you'll wish you'd done this…" or words to that effect.  Can't remember the exact quote.  So I'm going with it.  The main character will have powers, just not yet and certainly not Dresden-esque wizardliness.  Book 2 or 3 and who knows…
    So now all I've got to do is patch the plot holes, fill in some scenes and I'm ready for editing round 1.  That makes it all sound so easy.

    In other news, Being Human is still one of the best shows on TV and looks to be spawning a spin-off.  Becoming Human, red-button straight after the main show, is the story of a 46-year old vampire trapped in the body of a 16 year old boy.  He was in last night's episode and the eagle-eyed amongst you will recognise him from the CBBC show Young Dracula.  So he's a little typecast already.  Head over to the BBC Being Human website and check it out.  I doubt you'll be disappointed.  Voyage of the Dawn Treader is a superb movie (even if the sea serpent is a little familiar to anyone who's played Tomb Raider: Legend.  Think London, folks), much better than Prince Caspian.  Like Stardust, they took the essence of the story and changed it to make a better film.  All credit to the casting folks, the kid they had playing Eustace Scrubb was absolutely spot on.  My kids and I now eagerly await The Silver Chair.

    Finally, I'm away to Inverness as part of the NAFC's Carbon Management Plan, learning about the tools and opportunities that are there for us to grab.  Spending carbon to save it.  See?  Back to the long game again.

    Finally, finally:  Doctor Who (not quite) Lego.  Roll on April!

    Posted via email from Claytons in the Far, Far North