Category: Fun with Five

  • The 7 Days of Christmas

    Most Christmas traditions we pick up either from the Christmases of our childhood or by osmosis from the world around.  When you get married, it gets a little interesting with the “but our family always did this…” conversations.  A final little centre table present instead of crackers is one we got from my wife’s family. Starting a…

  • Where does the time go?

    Can you see it move? There’s something there. It’s in this very cloth that I weave… 15 years ago I heard those words sung for the first time in the central arena of the Milennium Dome.  The acrobatic performance accompanying Peter Gabriel’s ‘Ovo’ defines “spectacular” for me. Everywhere you looked there were people performing –…

  • Things to do over the Easter holidays, #1

    Okay.  First off, you’re going to need a map and an idea of how far your kids will cope in the car without complaining (too much).  Second, you’ll need a pair of compasses.  Draw a circle of, say, 2 hours radius, centred on your home. In our case, that goes as far north as Ripon…