Category: Cook-Along Friday

  • Lechon – fantastic porky goodness

    Warning – This post is not diet-friendly.  Not at all.  Even a little bit.  Unless the diet your on is one where you’re actively looking to gain weight.  In which case, bring it! Sometimes, running in the morning feels like incredibly hard work.  I mean *incredibly* hard work.  This morning was one of those mornings.…

  • #RecipeShed – Aunty Molly’s Ginger Biscuits

    Keith’s theme for the week, across at the Recipe Shed, is Hand-Me-Down recipes.  Those recipes that have been in the family for generations and generations, handed down in dog-eared recipe books, fought over in the will, smuggled out by taking photographs of grandma’s cook book while the other children distract her, that sort of thing.…

  • #RecipeShed – Keema Aloo (Mince curry with potatos)

    Many years ago, my wife (then we were but boyfriend and girlfriend) took me on a trip to Bradford.  We went to the IMAX theatre and saw a couple of movies then went for a curry in what is, for me, the finest curry house in the land: The Kashmir.  You walk past the posh…