But what can you do?

Well, I really had no idea. 12 months ago I was sat contemplating the year that had gone and the year that was to come I did not know that I would end up 670 miles away from where I had started, a housedad and with the kids in a completely different education system.

If you browse through the archives on the site, you’ll find out about the reasons for the move, where we’ve gone from and where we’ve gone to. The last couple of months have shown that it is possible to achieve everything we did at pretty short notice and end up comfortable for Christmas. Yes, it’s hard work, but it’s worth it.

One phrase that cropped up again and again when we were talking about moving on Shetland, the problems with the education system, the council, the Scottish Parliament in general was “Oh, I know, but what can you do?”

You can move. You can get the hell out of there. Vote with your feet. Don’t like something? Go where it’s different.

Yes, it’s scary. It’s scary as hell! Selling houses, changing schools, finding jobs… But if what you’re facing means a sub-standard future for your children, you’ve got to do it. Haven’t you?

You’ll find there are people who will bend over backwards to help. Every dealing with the schools I’ve had down here has been a positive one – both before and after the move. Every person in this village I’ve met so far has been helpful. Sure, there’ll be things wrong with the area you move to – find me somewhere on the planet that’s 100% perfect! For me, here, it’s the roads. There aren’t decent verges to jog on and there’s a lot more traffic than there was in Shetland. But it’s small fry!

So for 2014 I want you all to make the changes. Don’t find yourself saying “Oh, I know, but what can you do?” You know what you can do. Have the courage to do it.


One response to “But what can you do?”

  1. Vic Avatar

    well said good sir… *thumbs up*

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