As an aside before I drop the introduction in here… This is a post for 23 in 2013, a project detailed here. It’s my NaNoWriMo project from 2012, a year I failed to complete the 50,000 words. It’s also the first draft – there will be typos, inconsistencies, mis-named characters and all of the other things that plague a first draft. The comments are there both for you lovely readers to post words of encouragement, point out “but he said… in the last chapter, that contradicts…” and keep me straight, and for me to bash ideas around. File this one under Urban Fantasy | Edinburgh | Parallel Worlds, as they might one day say on Angry Robot.
Life is like coming in to a movie 20 minutes late. you cannot be sure who the major characters are, what they are doing or why. Who’s that? Where are they? Why is she carrying a log? Your best bet is just to go with the flow and hope it all makes sense eventually. You quickly pick up a few facts that might – or might not – be important.
Firstly, a book has been stolen. Since the theft it has changed hands several times. The authorities have been informed but because those who were looking after the book do not entirely trust the Authorities to do their job, they have taken matters into their own hands. The book is being tracked by other means.
Secondly, the Authorities are investigating several murders that have occurred since the theft of the book. They have yet to determine whether the incidents are connected or not. At present the investigations are being conducted by two separate teams.
Thirdly, three years ago a woman was kidnapped and taken to London. She is now coming back. Her kidnap did not go unnoticed, nor was it simply forgotten. People have been looking for her.
Fourthly, the world as you know it is not as unique as you might have hoped.
Armed with these basic facts the following events should make a little more sense…
Just a short one this week, to whet your whistle. 7 days from now and Chapter 1 will land right here.
Now. Head over to John Anealio’s blog and see what else is going on in 23 for 2013 – I know for a fact there’s a new piece of music over there.
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