They say that books are dying out, that they’re being replaced by soulless electronic gadgets like the Kindle, the smartphone and the like. They’re probably right. Production, storage and distribution costs for huge numbers of paperbacks/hardbacks massively outweigh the same costs for zeros and ones. And who can be bothered to slog down to the bookshop on the off-chance that there’s something you want to read when you can browse through Angry Robot’s online catalogue and have the latest Mike Shevdon within seconds?
But there’s still something magical about an actual, physical, dead-tree book in your hands.
Thing 2 loves reading. I reckon he’ll be tackling Lord of the Rings about the same time I did. At the moment he’s working his way though everything Rick Riordan he can lay his hands on, he has to have the latest David Walliams book pretty much on the day of release and he loves the Kindle we got him last birthday (pre-loaded with a shedload of stuff to keep him occupied until at least Christmas). He spends a good chuck of each day reading and I reckon this is excellent.
This is him a few hours after being handed Terry Pratchett’s “World of Poo”. Interesting, educational and amusing.
This is a post for The Gallery – For more inspirational pictures far superior to mine, please visit The Gallery at Stickyfingers
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