Reasons to be cheerful – Spring has Sprung #r2bc

Here on the rock the year has definitely turned.  Waking up with the kids at stupid o’clock is no longer in the pitch dark!  A month ago I’d be typing this in darkness.  Now the sun, if not actually up, is very nearly up and there’s light streaming in the windows.  The cat is rampaging around looking for something to attack and the kids are playing in their bedrooms.

And my garden has decided it’s Spring!

Spring has sprung

(No snow on the ground now, this was taken on the one day this year we’ve had it!)


4 responses to “Reasons to be cheerful – Spring has Sprung #r2bc”

  1. Kate On Thin Ice Avatar

    Spring has Sprung and about time too

  2. Julie Avatar

    I love Spring! It’s my favourite season, lots of new beginnings and lots to look forward to 🙂

  3. michelle twin mum Avatar
    michelle twin mum

    I am loving waking up in the light, it makes such a difference. Now, if the trees would just get their leaves back I would be happier! Mich x

  4. Jo Avatar

    Mmmm, trees. Wish we had those

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