Reasons to Be Cheerful – Mad March!

Bill Bailey Tickets!

There’s reason #1 right there.  Bill Bailey’s on tour again, he’s coming to Shetland and this time I’ve got tickets!  Last time he was up here, tickets went on sale at 9AM, and by about 9:01 they’d sold out.  This time, thanks to a rather odd marketing strategy (blink-and-you’ll-miss-it link on the Shetland News Facebook feed), tickets hung around long enough for me to get a pair.

Reason #2, I had a great birthday this week.  Wonderful presents, great food, good wishes from Twitter and everyone who knew.  Superb.

Reason #3, turns out I’ve been nominated in the MAD Awards 2012 – – under the “Most Helpful Blogger” category!

MAD Blog Awards 2012

Now if that’s not a reason to be cheerful, I don’t know what is!  Someone out there reckons I’m helpful!  Brilliant.

My eldest 2 got their violin and fiddle Grade 1 results – distinctions both!  Music education up here is excellent and we’re lucky to have access to it.  Apparently the difference between violin and fiddle is that the violin is the classical instrument and the fiddle is the one you can dance to.  I don’t have a very good ear for fiddle music, I have to admit.  There appear to be 2 tunes – one that’s a waltz and one that isn’t – although Thing1 assures me that so-and-so’s reel is completely different to such-and-such’s reel.  Aye, right.  Small.  Far away.  Whatever. Grade 2 coming next!!!


2 responses to “Reasons to Be Cheerful – Mad March!”

  1. Smiling Like I Mean It Avatar

    Congrats on the MADS nomination, and enjoy Bill Bailey!

  2. Glenda Avatar

    Congratulations of your nomination. Interesting about fiddle v violin. Either way it is not an easy instrument to play!

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