Reasons to be cheerful – Daffodils in bloom

You know what? I don’t like daffodils.  Oh, sure, they look stunning when they’re in bloom but then they’re just long floppy green things that look untidy.  Crocuses have the good grace to be so small that their leaves are almost invisible amongst the grass once the flowers have gone, but daffs are far too big.

Be that as it may, the garden is in full bloom at the moment, all the random daff/narcissi bulbs we planted as a family last year are popping up, sometimes in the most unexpected places. Magic.  So I’ll enjoy them while they’re shining.

We’re past the worst of the “winter”, I reckon (cue harsh frosts and massive snowfall).  Herbs are sprouting, I can see the chives in the garden coming up, and the Thai basil under the grow-lamps is coming on a treat.  Looking forward to a good year cooking with this little lot.

And my favourite reason to be cheerful of the week?  The laughter of my children as they play outside.  Just magic.

I’d like to finish with a picture of the aurora last night, but my phone camera won’t do it justice. You’ll just have to trust me.


3 responses to “Reasons to be cheerful – Daffodils in bloom”

  1. michelle twin mum Avatar
    michelle twin mum

    Nothing better than the kids being able to get out and play, we had a fab time at the park this afternoon. Mich x

  2. Harry Avatar

    You’ll be pleased by the fashion for the miniature daffodils then. Apparently all daffs were like this till they were supersized by breeders, and Wordsworth was rhapsodising about the little grass-high wild ones not today’s fleshy triffids of the flowerbed.

    1. John Clayton Avatar
      John Clayton

      “fleshy triffids of the flowerbed.” Love it!

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