On My Birthday…

Linking up with The Five Fs “On my birthday” linky, supplying March 27th…

Pick three people who share your birthday and share what you know about them.

  • Nathan Fillion, actor.  Any respectable Browncoat will know Mr F as Captain Mal from Firefly/Serenity, before that he was in Buffy (contributing to the “Crew of Ultimate Evil” that was assembled on Firefly), he’s starred in Dr Horrible’s Singalong Blog and is currently in Castle.  Personally, I keep hoping for more Firefly.
  • Ben Webster, saxophonist.  I have only the 1 album from this genius of the sax – Gerry Mulligan meets Ben Webster.  It’s sublime. Truly sublime.
  • Dick King-Smith, author of “The Sheep-Pig” (filmed as “Babe”) and dozens of other superb children’s’ books.

March 27 turns out to be a good day.  Michael York, Quentin Tarantino and approximately 1/365th of the rest of the world’s population. Wikipedia has no-one famous born on exactly the same day as me

List three people who died on your birthday and tell us what you know about them

  • Dudley Moore, actor and comedian. On top of the “Dud and Pete” sketches where Peter Cook managed to get Dudley Moore to corpse on more than one occasion, my all-time favourite sketch of his is “Mr Spiggott, the One-Legged Tarzan”.
    “Your right leg is fine! Your right leg is lovely!  I have nothing against your right leg.  The trouble is, neither do you.”
    One Leg Too Few
  • Ian Dury, of Blockheads fame.  One too many hits with the rhythm stick.
  • Stanislaw Lem.  Hands up if you knew who he was before Googling?  Some of the most amazing speculative science fiction ever written.  A true giant in his field.

List three notable events that took place on your birthday

  • M.L.Byrn patented the corkscrew back in 1860. I’d like to raise a glass to that one.  Good man.
  • “Singing in the Rain” had it’s debut at the movies in 1952
  • Fingerprint evidence was used to solve a murder in 1909.
Not, it has to be said, a day of earth-shattering importance.  Except for literally earth-shattering stuff when Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980.
Tell us about a holiday that falls on your birthday
World Whisky Day.  I did not know this.  Now that I do, I shall be cracking open the Laphroaig.



2 responses to “On My Birthday…”

  1. Andy Avatar

    Happy birthday, although you seem to have missed Mariah Carey and the approval of Viagra of you list for some reason. Have a great day.

  2. Jo Avatar

    I guess those were missed out because he needs neither in his life.

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