NaNoWriMo – Normal Service will resume in December


Welcome to NaNoWriMo 2011

Folks, it’s that time of year again.  NaNoWriMo will now consume my writing energies for the next 30 days as I endeavour to write 50,000 words on a subject of my choosing.

I’ll post updates, I’ll post snippets, I’ll post the completed thing if I actually do it – it’ll be a damn ugly 1st draft but I’ll post it anyway.

To everyone else taking part, good luck!  You know you can do it.  The word sprints on Twitter are a great help, as are the emails from your regional co-ordinator.  If you can get to a write-in, do so.

This year, my tactic is going to be to work almost entirely online.  Dropbox.  Stuff like that.  The grand plan is to ensure that no matter where I am, I can always add a few words to the work in progress when they occur.  Once it’s done, I’ll compile everything with yWriter and then fire up Celtx.  Y’see this is a Grand Plan (capital G, capital P) with the NaNo story being just stage 1.

Cue evil genius laughter, fading into the background as the sun rises over an allotment in Edinburgh.





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