#silentsunday – 1 picture, all by itself

The Cat in the Hat



5 responses to “#silentsunday – 1 picture, all by itself”

  1. jfb57 Avatar

    That is a great catch & a super effect!

    1. John Clayton Avatar
      John Clayton

      Thank you. He is a particularly photogenic cat, even if he does have the odd strange habit.

  2. Emily (@amummytoo) Avatar
    Emily (@amummytoo)

    Ha! He has attitude…and a stetson?

    1. John Clayton Avatar
      John Clayton

      He has a Stetson. Stetsons are cool 😉

  3. elizabeth (@jellybeansmusic) Avatar

    What a cool cat – my Bill & Ted would be most envious if they could be bothered to wake up – both very sleepy cats today

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