#silentsunday – 1 picture (technically), no words



5 responses to “#silentsunday – 1 picture (technically), no words”

  1. Jo Avatar

    full of cattitude!

  2. Reluctant Housedad Avatar

    What a beautiful tabby mate. Absolutely glorious. Looks like something from Ancient Egypt. I’ve also noticed the different typeface you’re using. I love it. Really modern and easy on the eye. What is it and how did yo do it?

    1. John Clayton Avatar
      John Clayton

      Tabby! Tabby!!!! I’ll have you know that’s a pedigree Bengal. He’s about twice the size of any of the other cats and looks like a little jaguar. To watch his shoulders as he slinks around the house is an absolute joy.

      As for the typeface, the main text is Calibri – you set the font rule in the stylesheet for the blog to {font-family: Calibri, Verdana, Arial, Serif;} or something similar. It’ll be Calibri if you’ve that one installed, then it falls back to Verdana if you’re on a system without it, then Arial and finally whatever the user’s default Serif font happens to be. My laptop displays it in Verdana, Calibri’s installed with Office 2010 and I wouldn’t have Windows on my laptop for love nor money. The heading font is even easier – head to http://www.google.com/webfonts and knock yourself out!

        1. John Clayton Avatar
          John Clayton

          Hey, he asked!

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