#silentsunday 1 picture, no words, nothing.



9 responses to “#silentsunday 1 picture, no words, nothing.”

  1. jfb57 Avatar

    Oh I DO like this! So clever. I must find out how to do it.

    BTW – do you live in the house pictured in your header? Looks amazing!

    1. John Clayton Avatar
      John Clayton

      How I did it? Vignette, Android photo app. Worth its weight in gold.
      Do I live there? No, ‘fraid not. That’s Clickimin Broch, an Iron Age structure just over the hill from home.

  2. FayC Avatar

    That is a lovely photo and the effects you have used really enhance it

    1. John Clayton Avatar
      John Clayton

      Thank you! The effects are entirely random – I’ve left the photo app randomising everything so I never know from one to the next what I’m going to find.

  3. Mrs Turk Avatar

    Wonderful shot, though not half as impressive as the photo in your header – what a stunning blog!

    1. John Clayton Avatar
      John Clayton

      Thank you – the header photo was a combination of lucky events – weather, time of day and my car needing petrol. Took the photo from the garage while fuelling up!

  4. Kate Avatar

    Oh, you are so clever. I am still at the taking bad pics stage.
    This is very striking and says a lot about nature too.

    1. John Clayton Avatar
      John Clayton

      Don’t tell anyone, but I’m still at the bad pics stage as well. Fortunately, my phone is clever enough to make things look a lot better!

  5. sarahmumof3 Avatar

    great photo, the black and white effect is striking

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