#TheGallery – My Weekend


Tara’s given us a beauty of a theme this time, My Weekend.  Quiet relaxation? Uninterrupted peace and calm?  Not quite.

SAT 0340 – Get up, go to St Magnus Church in Lerwick, take part in their Bible Reading Marathon.  Realise I had my times wrong and didn’t need to get up for another half an hour.  Arse.  12 chapters of Deuteronomy in 30 minutes (this is fast, apparently, as they’re a little behind at this point), 10 Commandments, Moses making stuff up as he goes along.

SAT 0440 – Run home, last training run before the Simmer Dim Half Marathon on Sunday.

SAT 0900 – Go shopping, discover cook book with recipe for dinner is in the back of my car whilst ingredients for dinner are now at home.

SAT 1045 – Send wife and number 1 son across to village hall to meet for their coasteering.

SAT 1100 – Discover said coasteering started at 10.  Fall on my sword.

SAT 1145 – Head into town, back to St Magnus Church with Thing 1 for another half-hour of the bible.  2 Samuel.  King David’s a right arse and there are some truly historical names in there.

SAT The Rest – play with kids, assist in finishing dinner, mentally prepare for Sunday, watch Agatha Christie (how is there one I’ve not seen before?) and much comedy on TV.

SAT – 2100-2330 – Stage 1 of Blueberry Gingermead.  Racking on to secondary fermenter next Sunday.

SAT 2330 – Wife heads off to do her stint of reading.

SUN 0100 – Wife returns, sleep follows.

SUN 0530 – Up and away for final stint of reading.  Proverbs.  Interesting stuff, Proverbs, and a very easy read compared to 2 Samuel.  Don’t rush, we’re ahead of ourselves now.  Decide we’re going to go for a Hobbit/Lord of the Rings reading marathon as a fund raiser next year.  Might get a better audience!

SUN 0800 – Small breakfast.  Pre-run nerves building up now.

SUN 1030 – I head down to Cunningsburgh for the half-marathon, Wife and kids off to church.

SUN 1100 – 1302:47 – Running half-marathon.  Personal best time in the hottest, stillest weather Shetland’s seen all year.

SUN 1305 – 1400 – Recovery swim.  Get really, really cold and feel generally crap.

SUN 1430 – Down to Cunningsburgh, collect car, then to Quarff to eat sweets and drink tea, generally warm up at an excellent Sunday Hall Tea

SUN – Remainder – Assist in cooking dinner (Jamie Oliver’s 30 Minute Meals fish tagine, 4.5/5), kids to bed, warm bath and cold wine.  Bed sometime late.

Bloody hell, what a weekend.  Only got to get a cat from Wales to Shetland next weekend, piece of cake!


8 responses to “#TheGallery – My Weekend”

  1. Reluctant Housedad Avatar

    Phew! I need a holiday after reading that. Do you ever just lie around on the sofa watching the TV? Or just sit in the pub people-watching? I’d have been dead years ago if I led a life as active as yours.

    1. John Clayton Avatar
      John Clayton

      If only we had anything approaching a proper pub up here! We’ve got Scottish pubs, which were basically places to consume “beer” (either from a red tin or a yellow one depending on your preference) and other people’s smoke in equal quantities. Not sure what they do now they’re not allowed to smoke. Drink more, I think. Turn the lighting down so they still can’t see clearly. Anyway, we’ve got 1 pub and it’s well out of the way. The Inn on the Hill is a great place but at £20 each way for a taxi? That’s one reason I brew my own beer.

      Oh, yes – forgot to add! SAT – 2100-2330 – Stage 1 of Blueberry Gingermead. Racking on to secondary fermenter next Sunday.

      We do have more relaxed weekends usually, the Simmer Dim weekend is always a busy one, though.

  2. Lins Avatar

    Wow, I’m truly impressed. I thought I was busy…

    1. John Clayton Avatar
      John Clayton

      You are! That’s not a normal weekend for me!

  3. Funky Wellies Avatar

    Wow, I am tired just reading it!!

  4. Dawnie Brown Avatar

    OK so I’m exhausted just reading that – great time for a half marathon by the way 🙂

  5. Kate Avatar

    Love the pic and well done you on doing a marathon weekend as well as a half marathon

  6. The Kitchen Mechanic Avatar

    I know it’s been said, but I’m just tired from reading that… not even imagining it!!
    The idea of a Bible Reading Marathon sounds very cool!
    Hope the weather is still good up with you x

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