Silent Sunday – 1 picture, no words, no explanation #silentsunday
23 responses to “Silent Sunday – 1 picture, no words, no explanation #silentsunday”
Hahaha Good one!! Now I almost wish I’d watched to so I could see who you were voting for.
I said ALMOST.
You should watch the edited highlights on YouTube. Jedward were a real blast!
So who were your top three?!
We had Denmark, Moldova and Ireland. Moldova and Ireland were perfect Eurovision entries!
That’s taking Eurovision very seriously.
What the pic doesn’t show is the stack of beer bottles behind us!
Hope you didn’t vote for united kingdom!!
Not allowed to! Not even I was drunk enough to try and vote for my own country 😉
I missed it as I was working! Great photo!
Very dedicated! I spent the evening on twitter, unleashing my inner sarcastic self on my followers as I watched. Ooops!
Looks like a good time was had by all 🙂It was a very entertaining night, wasn’t it. Even better, I had a fiver on Azerbaijan 🙂
haha, i didn’t even watch it this year, who won?
brilliant – Moldova and Ireland were great. where the hell is Azerby-wotsit?
I know! Had to look it up on wikipedia! Over on the Caspian sea, it turns out.
Haha! I was going to do a Eurovision one, but for some reason *whistles* the pictures came out fuzzy! It’s good to have found the two secret ingredients to make it bearable… Twitter and Tequila! Cheers!
Wow! That’s taking it seriously 😉
Oh, yes. You’ve got to do this properly! After a while all the Euro-synth blurs together!
We had Moldova and Ireland down too. Bit miffed we had a slushy love song as a winner. What was that all about?
Lol. DH and I used to have an elaborate voting system. I tried to get my girls into it but they watched in sheer bemusement last night 😀
Still don’t know who won – I went to bed at 8!
That’s a seriously early night. If you like Eurovision, you missed a great show. If you don’t, then you didn’t miss much more than the usual insanity.
Azerbaijan – is that even in Europe? I thought that was one of the key requirements for entering the Eurovision… *shuffles away to check world map* oh yeah – it’s about as far east as you can get and still be on continental Europe.
Glad I didn’t watch it really…
There’s a certain amount of weirdness about who can enter – Russia’s not exactly in Europe, Azerbaijan definitely isn’t, nor’s Cyprus. It’s a very odd mix of countries, when you think about it.
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